Sunday 13 September 2015

Road to success EP96!

Nazlee's Road To Success:

Name: Nazlee Meas Durrell

Occupation: Supervisor in the financial industry

Goals: "To be an inspiration for young girls. There are so many negative influences in today's life and coming from a family of predominantly females, I know how important it is for a girl to have a role model."

What is success? "I've actually blogged about this here I don't believe there is a clear definition however I strongly believe that success is made up of many small decisions that add to your big picture. When your heart is happy and content, for me that is a clear success."

What success have you achieved? "My success story is made up of a few 'happy heart' moments such as marrying the man of my dreams at 20 years old. Buying my dream house at 22 and having my daughter at 24."

What success do you want to achieve? "I'm in my first semester of tertiary studies and that's a huge success for me as I matriculated 10 years ago. I focused on being a wife and mother and now I am ready to begin my career in marketing."

All the best on your road to success Nazlee...

Visit her lovely blog Lazy vs Lady at Follow Nazlee on Twitter** @lazyvslady and Instagram** lazyladynaz.

Peace. Happiness. Success.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Giant Leaps To Success - GiantSuccess Blog for the feature. May you be blessed.
