Tuesday 1 September 2015

Road to success EP94!

Candice's Road To Success:

Name: Candice Petersen

Occupation: Receptionist and Beauty Blogger

Goals: "Where do I start? I have so many hopes and dreams in life and only wish that someday I will be able to accomplish them all. Right now I think my goal plans are to be able to make my blog one of the most read blogs in South Africa. I hope to reach a lot of young women. I just want to make a difference with the kind of posts I create and hope that others appreciate the hard work I put in. Also I would love to travel with my boyfriend, there is just so much to see out there and different cultures to experience. So travelling is definitely on the cards for me. I want to be able to grow my blog to a point where I am able to do it full time - this is going to be a chore, but something I strive towards so that I can do what I love all the time."

What is success? "For me success can be defined as so many things it's not always the large amounts of people who follow you, but how many of those people actually take the time to comment and praise the kind of content you put out. Success to me is how many true friends you have who actually support you no matter what. Success is also the amount of people who love and support you and don't shut you out when you need them most. Success is not by any means measured in money, but how much value you have in your life, to me that's the most important."

What success have you achieved? "I have not yet gotten to a point where I have achieved success, but I do have the most amazing boyfriend who has been the best support which really does help a lot."

What success do you want to achieve? "This ties in with my goals, once I have grown my blog to a point where I no longer need a day job that is when I consider myself successful."

All the best on your road to success Candice...

Visit her awesome blog Beauty Candy Loves at beautycandyloves.co.za. Follow Candice on Facebook** Beauty Candy Loves, Twitter** @beautycandylove and Instagram** beautycandyloves.

Peace. Happiness. Success.

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