Wednesday 12 August 2015

Road to success EP89!

Cara-Lee's Road To Success:

Name: Cara-Lee Ruditzky

Occupation: Fashion Editor at Fairlady magazine

Goals: "Career wise I always dreamt of studying fashion and becoming a Fashion Editor. Personally I always had a goal to be healthy and happy in everything that I do and one day raise a family."

What is success? "I think success goes beyond work. Success is about your career but also your personal life and how you are able to make the two work together. Success to me is how happy you are doing something. I keep hearing that if you love what you do you cannot call it work. I used to think that was a load of nonsense but I am beginning to realize it is true. Success is about getting up everyday and looking forward to your day no matter what you have to do. If you can find that place, I think that is success. As well as being healthy, happy, living the personal life you want, that is the ultimate success."

What success have you achieved? "I did what I set out to do, at 28 years old I am proud to say I am Fashion Editor to one of SA's most well know women's magazines. I am also a fashion blogger ( through which I have had some really amazing opportunities. "

What success do you want to achieve? "Eventually I want to work for myself, I think I have a lot to learn still but I know that one day I will. "

All the best on your road to success Cara-Lee...

Check out her amazing blog the fashion department at Follow Cara-Lee on Twitter** @caraleer and Instagram** caraleer.

Peace. Happiness. Success.

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