Monday 9 March 2015

Road to success EP60!

Nicole's Road To Success:

Name: Nicole Larissa Nelson

Mother; Founder & Director of Coached to Excellence (Pty) Ltd
Innovative Youth Leadership Coach; Catalyst Speaker

Goals: "My goals are constantly changing because I'm always recreating myself anew. When I look back on my life on my dying day, I want to say that I left my foot prints in the sands of time, that I shined my light for those who couldn't find their way, and that I made every person I came into contact with better. All my goals in life lead to my ultimate, and that is to help others help themselves." 

What is success? 

"I believe that success is determined by my ability to start over when I have had it taken from me. For me, being successful is to create something out of nothing over and over again. Success is a feeling that I affirm and visualize, that ultimately results in manifestations. 

My recipe for success or demise (CHOICE):

  • Practice Gratitude + Positive Affirmation + Visualization + Application = Manifestation
  • Negative Affirmation + Visualization + Application = Manifestation
Ultimately, I am the only one who can decide Who I am, Who I'm going to be, What it's going to be, and How it's going to be."

What success have you achieved? 

"My biggest project has and will always be me. I believe strongly that to be able to give my best, I need to be at my best (the art of being selfless and selfish at the same time).

  • In my professional capacity, manifesting my personal brand and my business as it is now are my greatest milestones thus far. I have spent over 8 years on the subject of self mastery and personal development, beating on my craft, learning, studying, working, and observing, to acquire all the skills I needed to fulfill my talents.
  • I am finally at the place in my life where I am able to put it all to use. Being able to apply the wisdom, knowledge and tools I have acquired through my coaching & mentoring practice is fulfilling.
  • On a personal front, I have overcome many trials and tribulations from my childhood. I surprise myself every day simply by taking stock of the woman I have become despite the odds.
  • The woman that I am today is as a result of doing and looking at everything differently from what I was conditioned to believe and subject to. Stopping at nothing to bridge all those gaps and committing to breaking cycles will always be my greatest personal success."

What success do you want to achieve? 

"To be the No.1 Leadership Coach!

My primary objective is to help people realize that the world they are living in is THEIRS; and to show them how to use their thoughts to achieve the results that they want in life. I believe that the best place to start is with my children and my partner (I have already started with myself, and that in itself will always be a work in progress :) ).

As a mother, my greatest achievement would be knowing that based purely on leading by example, my children become aware and grounded that outside influences could not detour them, that they become self starters and self finishers, catalysts of change, and that the only thing they ever follow and chase are their dreams.

Knowing that I have accomplished this will give me a very clear indication of the level of success I have attained overall, as a woman, a coach, a mother, a lover, a friend, a business woman, an investor in people, and as a philanthropist. I believe strongly that our children are our greatest teachers and our best critics."

Well said and All the best on your journey Nicole...

Please follow Nicole on the following:  
Peace. Happiness. Success.


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